Creating Unshakeable Self Confidence
This podcast teaches women just like you to have the self confidence to express who you are so that the world KNOWS you just by looking at you. Style is the outward expression of the way you feel about yourself on the inside. There is a confident stylish woman inside of you, and as your style coach, it’s my job to help you find HER. So you can look stylish and feel confident every single day. I invite you to learn more by visiting me at sheribrasier.com
Creating Unshakeable Self Confidence
113. How to use style to reinvent yourself
Let’s talk about style and how it can totally help you reinvent yourself! I’m here to help you uncover the magic that is hiding in your wardrobe. We’re not just talking about clothes—we’re talking about how the way you dress can show the world who you really are and make you feel unstoppable.
In today’s episode, we’ll break down how recognizing your personal style can shift your mindset and supercharge your confidence. I’ll share some fun, easy tips to help you make your wardrobe work for you—no overhauls or stress required, just little tweaks that make a big difference. Style isn’t about keeping up with trends; it’s about embracing who you are right now and letting that shine through what you wear.
You’ll hear inspiring stories from clients who’ve found their groove, learned to love their style, and felt more joyful and confident in their own skin. In my program Style Mastery, I can help you simplify your style, find pieces that fit your life, and create a wardrobe that makes you feel amazing every day.
So let’s celebrate the journey you’re on, embrace the present, and use style as a tool to feel more like the best version of yourself. Grab your favorite outfit, a Diet Coke, and let’s dive in—it’s time to have some fun and make confidence your new accessory!
About Sheri Brasier:
Welcome to Creating Unshakeable Self-Confidence, the podcast for ambitious, stylish women ready to elevate their personal style and professional success. I’m Sheri Brasier (Bray-zure), a wife, boy mom, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, Advanced Certified Life Coach, and Personal Stylist.
For years, I felt stuck in my own style struggles. Balancing motherhood, running a business, and navigating leadership roles left me feeling like my wardrobe—and my confidence—no longer reflected who I was. I know what it’s like to feel frumpy, uninspired, and unsure of how to step boldly into a room. But I also know what it’s like to come out the other side, rediscovering my unique style and building the unshakeable self-confidence I needed to thrive.
Now, I’m here to help you do the same. I’m certified through the Life Coach School and Advanced Certified in Faith-Based Coaching with Jody Moore. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching in various coaching programs, presenting at Pinners Conferences across the nation, training employees in business workshops, and guesting on multiple podcasts.
In each episode, I’ll share the style secrets and mindset shifts that transformed my life, helping you create a polished, authentic look that empowers you to show up as the best version of yourself. Together, we’ll tackle mental roadblocks, rediscover your brilliance, and unlock the confidence to step boldly into y...
Hello, my friends, welcome to the Creating Unshakable Self-Confidence podcast. I am your host, sherry Brazier, your style bestie, and I'm so glad you're here today. Today, I want to talk to you about reinventing yourself with your personal style and give you three tips on how to do that, and maybe even these tips will help you understand what a reinvention of yourself might look like. The reinvention idea is kind of popping around on social media and I wondered if I should even use the word reinvent because it's kind of personal develop-y. But this is a personal development podcast, so I decided to use it, and what I want to talk to you about is really what I have people and women talk to me about is that they don't know what their style is. That's what they tell me that they don't know what their style is. But they're definitely. They definitely don't have one right, and everyone has a style, but whether you like the style that you show up wearing or not is the question. So if you walk out your door in whatever it is that you're wearing, you are portraying a style. Now, we all have opinions about what we would call that, but you have a style. You just may not be intentionally choosing the style, because that's where you're confused or you don't have the knowledge of, or whatever. But that is what is happening. When you come to me and say I don't have a style, it's not that you don't have a style you do, everyone does but what you're really saying is you don't like the style that you have, or understand style or know what your style, what you want to portray your style as and a lot of people are I don't even know what my options are. I don't even know what I should or shouldn't wear or whatever, right, and so there's lots of things that are kind of tied up around all of this, and so I thought I'm going to do a podcast on how to use your style to reinvent yourself, but mostly so that it can help you understand how to figure out what your style is, what you want it to be. Okay, so there's what your style is, which is the way you dress every day now, and then there's what you want your style to be, which is the reinvention of whatever style you have now. It's the.
Speaker 1:I see something that I like, I see a person that's stylish, but I don't know how to invent that for myself. I don't know how to create that for myself. Because what happens is we look at something, we look at a person that's stylish in our minds, like we've deemed them stylish, and we automatically have all of the drama in our minds about how we can't have that. We don't have the money, we don't want someone else to think that we're whatever, we don't want someone else to think, and we just automatically go into all of these things in our brain, right, all of these thoughts that we have in our brain and all the stories that we have about quote unquote being stylish and what that means. That's where we get tripped up.
Speaker 1:What is your definition of being stylish? You need to understand what that is for you. It's going to kind of be flowered with what everybody else thinks is stylish, because we are a community type people and we want to be included in the crowd and we want to be included in the group. That's, that's totally fine. It's a great place to start and then you go from there. But you just have to get started. You have to figure out what your definition of being stylish is, so that then you have some place to go from.
Speaker 1:So today I want to give you three kind of tips on what you can do to use style as a tool to reinvent yourself. And then what is the result of doing that? Okay, so the first thing is that I want to go into is that style is a tool into is that style is a tool. Style is a tool to change the way that you think about yourself, change your mindset about yourself and to ultimately create a better self-image. Create a better self image and that will ultimately change your world, because the thoughts and stories and feelings and mindset that you have about yourself is the image that you're projecting out into the world. That is what's creating your life. That is what's creating your life.
Speaker 1:So the first thing that I want to give you is that you can use style as a tool to change your self-image, to change your self-confidence, and that will help you reinvent yourself. It will help you to think different things about yourself. It will help you start to understand yourself. It will help you understand what you like, what you enjoy, what you want out of life. So that is the first tip is to use style as a tool to reinvent yourself. The second thing is changing how you look at yourself will significantly impact your mindset and your overall outlook of life.
Speaker 1:The second tool is to change your mindset, and in order to change your mindset, you have to know what you're thinking. You have to understand and know what is going on inside your brain and what is going on inside your thoughts about you. You have to write them down. It is one thing to think about what you think about. We are amazing creatures and we can think about what we think about. We are amazing creatures and we can think about what we think about. That is like if you could just do that, it would probably change your life. But to take it one step further, I always use this analogy that your thoughts about the world and yourself and your dealings and whatever are behind your eyes. They're in your brain, right? So what you think about yourself is behind your eyes, so you can't see it. So that's why journaling is so valuable and impactful and important is because it gets the thoughts that are behind your eyes bouncing around in your brain and it gets them out into the front of your eyes so you can see it.
Speaker 1:And for me, I'll just start writing things and then I'll get done with writing, kind of like a like a venting session on paper, right? And then I will get done and I'll read through it and be like whoa, I can't believe that that was in my brain. I can't believe that. I actually think that, wow, that doesn't sound very good. Or, as I'm writing like I don't really know the words, they're not really coming out the way that they sound in my head and now it's a little bit jumbled around and I'm not really even sure that it makes sense. And so then I know it doesn't make sense and I like my brain's just bouncing around all of these different things and it doesn't actually make sense when I write it out on paper.
Speaker 1:Have you ever been trying to explain something to someone and you're like I don't know, it doesn't make sense when I'm saying it, but it makes sense in my head. Have you ever said that before? That's what I'm talking about, that before. That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about when you're thinking something, you just think it's true, but when you get it out onto paper or you try to tell someone else, or you do tell someone else, then you see how they react. And it's not the same as maybe you react to what you think and so then you have the opportunity to decide is that what I want to keep thinking. Is that what I want to keep believing? Because I'm not really sure that it makes sense now. That's how you start to understand your thinking. That's how you change your mindset. That's how you figure out what your mindset even is and where you want to change it. So number two is all about mindset. So use your mindset as a tool to reinvent yourself, and your mindset can be changed easier with your style. So what you see in the mirror really does trigger what you think in your head. So if you can dress yourself in a way that is pleasing to you when you look at yourself, it will help you have better thoughts about yourself and that will help you change your mindset.
Speaker 1:Okay, and the third thing is it is so important to find joy and real pleasure in life rather than constantly focusing on dieting and weight loss. I can't even tell you how much this has changed my life. Literally has changed my life. The mindset shift of finding joy and true pleasure in my life. That's all around me now, and true pleasure in my life that's all around me now, right now, in this moment, and just directing my mind and my thoughts towards those things instead of beating myself up because I'm not at the right weight and that I messed up on the diet today and all of the things my brain wants to real bad. Just be stuck in the diet weight loss hamster wheel, like my brain's been there for so many years. It just really wants to stay there. And still, even today, I still have to remind myself that that is not who I am anymore, and I've been working on this for a long time, but my brain still wants to go to the weight loss dieting craziness, mindset, craziness, mindset.
Speaker 1:So in order to reinvent yourself and to create the self-image that you want to create and the confidence that you want to have, you need to use style as a tool number one to transform your self-image, to transform your actual image. So when you see yourself, you think different thoughts and then work on your mindset. Figure out what's in your mind and what you think about your style, what you think about yourself, what is happening in your brain and do you want to keep it or not. In order to figure out whether you want to keep it or not, and do you want to keep it or not, in order to figure out whether you want to keep it or not, you have to figure out what's inside of your brain. And then, three, focus on the pleasures and finding joy right now. What can you be happy about today that doesn't revolve around losing weight and dieting? And what you'll find. If you work on these three things, what you will end up creating is a new identity, because identity is the silver bullet, it is the gold star, it's the big mem jamba, because your identity is who you actually believe you are. And so if you can work on your self-image, work on your self-confidence, work on your mindset about yourself, you will change your identity. You will change the way that you think about yourself, which will change the way that you believe who you are. And that's what I've done over the last several years.
Speaker 1:And I think back, I'm doing a, an exercise, I guess you could say, with my mind about where I'm at right now and the next version of myself, the next level, the next there's lots of words, right. For me it's an evolution, like evolution, reinvention, reinvention kind of feels like to me that I was not as good before and I want to be better, and so I'm reinventing myself and and I don't necessarily love that I don't love that because I love who I was before because she got me here, and if if she didn't care about me here, then she wouldn't have done the things she did then to get me here, and so I don't like any language that that makes me feel like she wasn't good enough then, because she's awesome. She was awesome, she's who got me here. So I really like the word evolve because I feel like that's progressive and you are. You are a being that is changing all the time and and becoming better and better and better and better. But you're not really telling yourself that you were bad before Because I beat myself up for so long and I said such terrible, mean things to myself for so long.
Speaker 1:I just really want to get out of that whole mindset of talking to myself that way, way. So evolving into the new identity that I want to become is the result of doing this work, of doing the work of really understanding and figuring out what you think about yourself and figuring out what your style is today and not beating yourself up for it and just being honest with yourself that you don't know what your options are as far as style and that you feel like there's so much you don't know, there's so much that you need to learn and that might feel overwhelming. I know a lot of my clients feel like it's overwhelming to work on their style because they just don't know anything. But what I want to really say is the things that you don't know. They're really simple. They're really simple and once you know them, your world just changes because you know them. And they're simple, simple things. And so when you like the girls inside Style Mastery, they are loving their lives now because things are so much simpler. Things are so much easier. Style is so much easier. Being stylish is so much easier.
Speaker 1:My clients are sending me pictures of them getting up and getting dressed in the morning. And sending me pictures like this is me being intentional about being beautiful today. I am going to be intentional about being beautiful today, and one of my clients sent me a message that she wanted to look stunning on this particular day. She was getting ready for something and she wanted to look stunning, and so she put her outfit together in the way that she thought was stunning, because that's the way she wanted to feel. She wanted to feel stunning, she wanted to look stunning, and that's what she wanted for herself. And then she went to her event and wouldn't you know it. One of the women there said you look stunning. You always just look stunning. And she used the word stunning to compliment my client. And she messaged me and she's like this is the craziest thing. And they'll tell me all the time this is so much easier than I thought that it was going to be. I just had it in my mind that this was so much harder, but it's not actually.
Speaker 1:And for me as the stylist, the reason why it's easy is because you don't have to do it on your own. You don't have to go out and research and find the things and make all the decisions and decide between this and that and the other and go find this and go find that, go find this information about body shape and then figure out what you are and does this color look good on you and what's your color palette, and you don't have to go make all of those decisions. When you come into Style Mastery, I help you make those decisions. I give you information that you don't have, and then it's easier for you to make that decision because you have more information. And so the the my members in Style Mastery are loving this program because it's so easy. Reinventing themselves is so much easier and creating that new identity is so much easier. So I want you to think about using style as a tool to reinvent yourself, to evolve yourself to the next version of who you want to be. We are always growing, we are always developing, we are always evolving. Every day on this earth we are becoming, and who do you want to become? Make an intentional decision of who that is and come into Style Mastery and let me help you. Let me help you figure out who that is and make it easier for you to become her. Make it easier for you to create that identity and step into that identity.
Speaker 1:You can come into Style Mastery three different ways, in three different levels, and the first two are super affordable. I think the third one is affordable as well, but you can come in at whatever lane of membership works for you, whatever learning style you have, whatever support you want, whatever level of of support and help that you want from me. There are three levels of style mastery that you can come in to work with me, and one is $49. So if money is a is a stopping point for you in getting help with your style, then you're going to want to get in on that $49 level because you'll get the program. It's kind of a do it yourself and you will have me. You can get your feedback and stuff from me weekly. There is a weekly call that you're invited to, but you have the course, you can learn all the things and you can do it on your own, and it's $49 a month. So if money is a problem for you, if it's a stopping point for you to get help, then that is why I created that $49 a month option, because I realized that this is overwhelming.
Speaker 1:And then you think I have to spend all of this money on clothes too, and you don't. Actually you don't have to spend a of this money on clothes too, and you don't. Actually you don't have to spend a bunch of money on clothes. Just just FYI, I don't spend a ton, a ton of money on clothes, and so you don't have to spend a ton of money on clothes. I have one client that she buys most everything on the thrift sites. So she has awesome taste and she has awesome clothes and she buys most of them secondhand. So you don't have to spend a lot of money on clothes and $49 a month to get a stylist's feedback and advice on your style is pretty cheap.
Speaker 1:So go to sherrybraziercom and it will. There will be a link there to find those options. But if you would like to look at those options, then you need to be on my email list, because I just put this out to my email list and so if you're on my email list, you have already gotten these levels of style mastery. It's already been announced to you. But if you're not on my email list, then go to sherrybraziercom and sign up for the freebie that's there right now and just sign up for the guide and then that will put you on my email list and you will get information about these three levels of membership.
Speaker 1:But I do have women that are signing up for them because they've been waiting for something that's exactly like this for the $49 a month option, and then the middle option is $249 a month, but you get all of the things, so many extra things, and you get me one-on-one and in a group group and you get extra workshops and style guides and seasonal style guides and stylist guest, stylist speakers that come in and just so many more awesome, fun things. A Facebook group that you can be in every day if you want to have other women helping you with your style and giving you input and all the things. And then there's a one-on-one component, a personal one-on-one component as well, a level as well. So if you want a personal stylist to do it for you, then that's the third level. So go to sherrybraziercom and get on my email list and then you can find out all of the fun and exciting things about the new levels of membership. Or you can just email me. Email me at info at sherrybraziercom if you have questions and I can direct you to where you need to be. That will best fit your wants and desires.
Speaker 1:So use style to reinvent yourself and change your mindset and focus on the joy that you have in your life right now and create your new identity. All right, you guys, that's what I have for you this week. I will see you next time on another episode of creating unshakable self-confidence. And until then, get signed up for style mastery. You're going to want to be in there. There's so many fun things coming. I'm going to do another episode of just the membership so that you know what's all in it soon, coming up soon. So stay tuned. I'll talk to you then. Bye.