Creating Unshakeable Self Confidence
This podcast teaches women just like you to have the self confidence to express who you are so that the world KNOWS you just by looking at you. Style is the outward expression of the way you feel about yourself on the inside. There is a confident stylish woman inside of you, and as your style coach, it’s my job to help you find HER. So you can look stylish and feel confident every single day. I invite you to learn more by visiting me at sheribrasier.com
Creating Unshakeable Self Confidence
116. Putting outfits together stresses you out: Introducing the Outfit Challenge
Podcast Episode Description:
Ever feel like your closet is working against you? Like you have a million pieces but absolutely nothing to wear? Well, this episode is here to rescue you from that style rut just in time for the new year! 🎉
First, a big thank you for being part of this amazing community. Your support means the world, and I’ve got something exciting to share—a fun, game-changing adventure called the Outfit Formula Challenge!
Think of it as your step-by-step guide to effortlessly pulling together outfits you’ll actually love—without buying a ton of new stuff. We’re talking simple formulas that turn the chaos of your wardrobe into chic, confident looks you’ll feel great in.
Mark your calendar: The challenge kicks off January 13th, but here’s the inside scoop—registration opens early on January 6th at sheribrasier.com! Don’t miss your chance to join a community of amazing women discovering the joy of intentional dressing.
Tune in to hear inspiring stories, get all the juicy details, and learn how this challenge can make mornings easier and your style so much more you. Trust me—your closet (and your confidence) will thank you! 💃
Let’s make 2024 your most stylish year yet!
About Sheri Brasier:
Welcome to Creating Unshakeable Self-Confidence, the podcast for ambitious, stylish women ready to elevate their personal style and professional success. I’m Sheri Brasier (Bray-zure), a wife, boy mom, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, Advanced Certified Life Coach, and Personal Stylist.
For years, I felt stuck in my own style struggles. Balancing motherhood, running a business, and navigating leadership roles left me feeling like my wardrobe—and my confidence—no longer reflected who I was. I know what it’s like to feel frumpy, uninspired, and unsure of how to step boldly into a room. But I also know what it’s like to come out the other side, rediscovering my unique style and building the unshakeable self-confidence I needed to thrive.
Now, I’m here to help you do the same. I’m certified through the Life Coach School and Advanced Certified in Faith-Based Coaching with Jody Moore. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching in various coaching programs, presenting at Pinners Conferences across the nation, training employees in business workshops, and guesting on multiple podcasts.
In each episode, I’ll share the style secrets and mindset shifts that transformed my life, helping you create a polished, authentic look that empowers you to show up as the best version of yourself. Together, we’ll tackle mental roadblocks, rediscover your brilliance, and unlock the confidence to step boldly into y...
Hello everyone, hello, my friends, merry Christmas For those of you celebrating Christmas, merry Christmas. Today is Christmas Eve and I'm recording a little podcast for you that will drop on Christmas Day, so whenever it is that you're listening to this Merry Christmas, and I hope that you are enjoying the spirit of the season and that you've had some great parties and time with your family and that it's been great. I know that there is probably some drama happening, because there always is when it comes to the holidays, and I will. It's on my list of things to record is a podcast episode about relationships and families during the holidays, and I probably should have done it earlier, but I didn't think about it. So that's on the list of things to record the topics that I want to record for you, to record the topics that I want to record for you. But today's episode is going to be just me saying thank you. Thank you for listening to this podcast, thank you for emailing me and telling me that you are listening to this podcast and that it's helping you. I just love that you take the time out of your day to send me a message thanking me for putting this podcast out and for the things I'm doing. I think that that is really very kind of you and I appreciate it so much. And I just wanted to tell you thank you, and I wanted to just um wish you all of the best for this holiday season and hope that you're staying safe out there and that you're um just having a great time with your family. And I wanted to also tell you that I am doing a challenge in January.
Speaker 1:So many of you who are on my email list know that I sent out a survey to my email list of what do you, what's your style, struggles, struggles, what do you struggle with? And I had a multiple choice, a couple of questions that were multiple choice, so that you could just click, click the thing. You wouldn't have to type it out. It was a really simple, easy, fast, little survey and I got quite a few of my email list subscribers that took that survey and sent me their style struggles and I just appreciate so much knowing where you're at in this journey of self-confidence and style and where you are really needing support and are struggling, and I just thought that it would be a good time to really do something that would help you. And one of the things that was pretty consistent throughout those answers that I got from my podcast or from my email list was that they would really like some kind of a challenge that they can attend and be involved in a group where it's not just a class, not just a class that they listen to, but something that they can be a part of.
Speaker 1:And so, of course, that's why I sent this information out is because I wanted to know what I can do to help with this journey that you're on, and so I decided to do a challenge in January journey that you're on. And so I decided to do a challenge in January and it is called the outfit formula challenge and it is going to be so much fun and it's going to be fun for you and it's going to be fun for me, but mostly for you it's going to be. The work part is on my end, so it's the work part is not on your end, so it's going to be super fun for you. And I won't go into all of the all of the things on this on this episode, but I'm going to tell you mostly what it's about so that you can be watching for the emails that are going to come out that are going to tell you more in detail about this, this challenge, and so you can get signed up, because you're going to want to come, you're going to want to be part of this challenge. So it's called the Outfit Formula Challenge, and what it is designed to do is to give you outfits that are put together on a graphic, so it'll be like a picture of an outfit, and then I will tell you what the formula is for that outfit, because there's a formula for how I put outfits together and how I structure outfits, and so this graphic is going to be an outfit that then you will take the graphic on your phone. It'll just be on your phone, into your closet with the formula, and then you will put something together from your closet that matches the formula.
Speaker 1:Now there's two options with this graphic. You can look at the picture and say, oh, I have a cardigan that looks just like that, or I have some shoes that look just like that, or, oh, I have some accessories that look like the one that's on this picture. There's that, and then you can put an outfit together that way. Or the formula that's written underneath the picture that tells you what the outfit is. For instance, it would say neutral cardigan with jeans and a neutral booty with bracelets and a scarf. That would be the formula. And so then you would go into your closet and use the formula so you'd get a neutral cardigan, a pair of jeans, a neutral booty, some bracelets and a scarf that is out of your closet that you can put together based on the formula.
Speaker 1:So there's two components to each of the photos, each of the outfit formulas, and then there's going to be a little pop-up Facebook group. That'll be a private Facebook group for all of the people that join the challenge, and we will interact in that Facebook group and you can post your outfit and the graphic that you copied. That's basically what you're doing is I'm giving you the outfit formula and I want you to copy it from your closet and then I want you to post it in the Facebook group so that everybody can see how you've put things together, and then you can also ask questions of things that maybe you're not sure about. Like does this go together? Does this look okay? Is this what you mean when you say neutral cardigan, or is this what you mean by a pattern? Whatever is in the graphic right, and it's a place where you can get access to me with the clothes and the outfits that you're putting together right from your closet.
Speaker 1:It will cost you nothing. It will cost you absolutely no monetary cost at all in buying new clothes. You will not have to go buy new clothes, and that's the whole point of this challenge is to get you to go into your closet and look for things that are in there from a different lens, because I don't want you to think that if you have someone that's going to help you with your closet or help you with your style, that it's going to cost you a whole bunch of money when you go buy new clothes, that you're going to have to go buy new clothes. That was another thing that came out in the survey is that they don't have money to buy new clothes, and so that's that is what's keeping them from looking into being more stylish or even working with me, because they think that if they work with me, that they're going to have to have a clothing budget and they don't have the money for clothes. And so this January's challenge is so that I can show you that you don't need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. You just need different eyes. You just need to look at your closet from a different lens, and I will help you do that through this challenge. It's going to be for two weeks.
Speaker 1:This is not just a day-long challenge or a two-day-long challenge or a three or four-day-long challenge. I'm doing this challenge every day for two weeks because I want you to really get a good handle on your outfit formula and what that means and putting outfits together from your closet. Now it doesn't mean that you might not find something on those graphics, the boards that I put together, that you won't want to buy. I'm not going to guarantee that, but you will get to decide. If it's something that you want to purchase, you'll know how to put it together in your wardrobe because you'll be able to see it put together in different outfits.
Speaker 1:Because one of the things that I'm really a stickler on with my clients is if they're going to purchase something, they have to have three ways that they can wear that item before we purchase it. You have to have three ways that you can wear that item before you even go and purchase it, because I don't want you purchasing things that you're only going to wear once or that you're only going to wear for a specific purpose and then it just goes and clutters up your closet. Now are there things that you are going to buy and you're only going to wear them once? Yes, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about everyday stuff, everyday clothes, the everyday woman that's going to work. She's going to work and she's going to her life and she's just living her regular life. She might have a special occasion here and there and we can talk about special occasion stuff, but I'm just talking about regular, daily things.
Speaker 1:I want you to be able to be dressed the way that you want to feel and confidence is usually what people tell me confident and beautiful. They want to feel, and confidence is usually what people tell me confident and beautiful. They want to feel that way every day. I want you to be able to get dressed like that from your own closet, so that you don't feel like you have to go purchase a bunch of clothes. So the outfit formula challenge is coming. We're starting January 13th, so put it on your calendar and the registration page and all of that stuff will be available. I believe it's the 6th of January. I don't have my um, my schedule, right in front of me, but I think that that's when it's going to be open. The Facebook group and the registration page and everything to join the challenge will be um, open on January 6th and then that whole week we're just going to fill it up. Talk to your friends, you know, tell them to come, bring your sisters and your sister-in-laws, whatever, and then we start on the 13th. You'll have your first outfit. That will be on the 13th of January. So what that means is if you are not on my email list, then you're gonna want to get there today. You're gonna want to go today and get on my email list. Just go to sherrybraziercom and if you go to the top of the page there you will see a menu bar and you can click on those menu bars.
Speaker 1:I've got a bunch of different ways that you can get on my email list and if you want, you can just on that very first front page at sherrybraziercom. There's a couple of buttons there that you can push to get to my email list. Or you can just scroll to the very bottom of that first page and it will say um, join. The life and style edit is what my email list is called and that's at the very bottom of my main page. Um, on my website. There's also places where you can get free stuff on my website. There's the style basics every woman needs in her closet. That's free. There's a place that has workshops that are free, and any of those things that you sign up for will get you on my email list, and then that's where you're going to find the registration link to come to this workshop or this, to this challenge.
Speaker 1:Okay, so watch my social media. I'll also put it in my social media, but it's a little bit harder to join things from social media, at least for me anyway. And so the people that I really follow and that I really like their stuff, really like their stuff, I'm on their email list because that's where. That's where the easiest places to join their things is from their emails. And so if you're not on my email list, you're going to want to get there. Go to sherrybraziercom and scroll to the very bottom and get on the life and style edit and um, that's where that will be.
Speaker 1:My email list always gets first dips. I always put things out about a week before I do to the public, to my email list. So if you want all the good things to be sooner in your inbox, then you're going to want to be on my email list. So keep your notifications on for this podcast, because I will also be putting out another podcast episode for next week and in subsequent weeks to tell you all about the challenge, and so you're just going to want to stay tuned and you're going to want to watch my social media and make sure that you're coming to the things that I'm offering, because you're going to want to be on this challenge. You're going to want to be there. It's going to change your life. You're going to have so many aha moments and I'm so excited for you.
Speaker 1:I have to be honest, it's a lot of work for me to do this challenge for two weeks, but my clients are just loving and having so many aha moments and their lives are so much easier now that, since they've been working with me and especially with these outfit formulas that I was like I just have to give it out. I just have to show people that this is not as hard as it looks. So one of my clients I just love her she emailed me and, just out of the blue, it was so sweet and she said thinking of you often, I love getting dressed, I love thinking about accessories, feeling so much more dressed. I'm so glad I worked with you and I was like, oh, that's so sweet, I just got that out of the blue. She just sent me a message. She was just getting dressed one day, I think, and just thought you know how much easier it is for her to get dressed. The way that she wants to get dressed and put herself together and the stress and the overwhelm that comes with that, is just not there anymore and it's super fun for her now. And so she just sent me that message. I just thought that was the cutest.
Speaker 1:And, um, I had another, another client that said I've felt better and accomplished more all week. Super interesting how I feel dressing better has affected my productivity, and I just thought that was interesting as well. She sent me a picture of her outfit and then just said I've just felt better and more accomplished all week long and how, because she was paying attention and more intentional about getting dressed that week, that she got more things done, she was more productive and she felt better. She just felt better about herself, and so I just love my clients. They just are such awesome, ladies, and you guys are just awesome. All of you are just awesome, and I'm sure that you're having your own little breakthroughs in your own life.
Speaker 1:As you're listening, I hope that that's what's happening, because that's why I'm doing this, because I just want you to have less stress, and I want you to. I'm doing this because I just want you to have less stress and I want you to feel better about yourself and I want you to have more confidence in yourself, and so this is just one way. I just feel like that I have a strength here and I need to help you with it. So that is my wish for you for this holiday season, and this is my gift to you is this information and this challenge that's coming up in January, and I can't wait to see you there. So make sure that you're on my email list and I will see you in the challenge and have a great Christmas and a happy new year. And I will see you in the challenge and have a great Christmas and a happy new year, and I will see you in the Facebook group and I'll be in your earbuds next week with a new episode. Okay, talk to you later. Bye.